
Archive for June 23, 2010

What You Need to Know: From Analyst to Associate

June 23, 2010 4 comments

There is something you need to understand when you think about moving up the ladder: There is no job that will make you happy 100% of the time, especially at junior level.

A lot of the better paying jobs are intense, demanding, has long hours, and sometimes your coworkers are mean. So what? That is exactly what you signed up for. You need to deal with the pressure, the hard work and all the other mess if you want to move up to the next level. If you can’t, feel free to go somewhere else that does not require you to be good at so many things. And honestly it’s okay too.

But it doesn’t have to be this hard all the time. Attitude is the key and if you always look at things from a positive perspective you can enjoy your work more, and at the same time, gain more respect from other people.

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